

What is a synonym for any moon in your solar system?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is a synonym for any moon in your solar system?
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Are there stars between the moon and your solar system?

No. The moon is in the solar system. The only star in the solar system is the sun. All other stars are much farther away than any object in the solar system.

Do any of the Solar System planets share a moon?

No. It is impossible for that to occur.

Name the coldest moon in solar system?

Neptune's moon Triton has the lowest recorded temperature of any moon.

What is the planet with a large moon close to it?

One example of a planet with a large moon relatively close to it is Saturn. Its moon Titan is substantial and plays a significant role in the dynamics of Saturn's system.

Is Charon the largest moon in our solar system or just the largest moon of Pluto?

It's the largest moon of Pluto. It is nowhere NEAR being the largest moon in the Solar system; Pluto itself is smaller than Earth's moon. Charon is, however, the largest satellite relative to its primary of any body I know of in the Solar system.

What is a Moon in the solar system?

A Moon (In capitals) refers to our Moon - Earths natural satellite.Other moons exist in the Solar System and they orbit around other planets.Definition: Any substantially sized natural satellite of a planet.

Is there any planet bigger than the moon?

all of the ones in our solar system are...

Are there any stars between the moon and the edge of the solar system?

The is one star, our Sun, also known as Sol, between the Moon and the edge of the Solar System. Of course, this "definition" of "between" varies, depending on the phase of the Moon.

What are the planets on the moon?

None. The Earth's moon is not a planet and there are no planets "ON" any moon. Many planets in the solar system have several moons.

What is it called when the earth is in the center of the solar system?

The name of our planet is the Earth. The name of our moon is the Moon. The name of our solar system is the Solar System. I capitalize them, because when used as names, they are proper nouns. This also helps us distinguish between the planet Earth and earth (meaning soil), between the Earth's Moon and moon (meaning the natural satellite of a planet), and between our Solar System and any other solar systems (since any system containing a star and a planet or a planet-forming disk can be called a solar system.) The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our Solar System.

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How many forces are on the moon?

If you refer to gravitation, any object in the Solar System will attract the moon. However, the strongest forces the moon "feels" are from the Sun (being the most massive object in the Solar System), and from the Earth (being relatively near-by).