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Examine or Study would both suffice

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Q: What is a synonym for investigate?
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Hi, The word 'snoop' in itself is a synonym of investigate.

Synonym for investigate?

analyze observe study look into scrutinize examine check out

Synonym for explore?

search, hunt, research, analyze, examine, survey, travel, tour, survey, scout, reconnoiter, research, examine, probe, Investigate, Inquire

What is a synonym for check out that starts with s?

To check out in a store could be scan (barcodes) or settle (pay).To "check out" (investigate) something could be to studyor to survey.To check out (leave work) could be to sign out.

How do you use the word investigate in an sentence?

The police will investigate the crime. Holmes can investigate anything.

What preposition comes after the verb investigate?

It is not necessary to have one at all. It depends on what you want to say. The following examples are all valid sentences. I investigate often. I will investigate him. I can't investigate for you. I need to investigate over there. I must investigate before making a decision. I should investigate after nightfall. I can't investigate during the football match!

Investigate corresponding hypothesis?

what does investigate mean?

What is the future tense of the word investigate?

I will/shall investigate

Can you give me a sentence with the word investigate?

That is what I really need to investigate. I'll just need a moment to investigate the issue.