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Synonyms might include allocated, apportioned, distributed, or limited (in distribution).

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Q: What is a synonym for rationed?
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What is a Sentence using the word rationed?

During World War II many products were rationed, including butter and sugar,Caught in a snowstorm when the car broke down, the family rationed the little food they had with them.

What two things were rationed?

Cigarettes and meat were the main rationed items

Who was rationed in the World War 2?

Many of the countries who fought in ww2 were rationed. Food and gasoline were two main items that were rationed in ww2.

What 5 foods were not rationed?

Water was not rationed. Potatoes were not rationed because they were plentiful in the USA but in England they were rationed. Depending on which country or area where you lived pork meats were not rationed. Things like salt. baking soda, spices, vanilla, baking powder were not on the ration lists. Some medicines were not rationed but antibiotics and medicines needed in the war front were rationed amongst the medical facilities. In the USA some vegetables and fruit did not need to be rationed but the people were encouraged to grow victory gardens so the vegetables and fruits used in the military forces' rations and kitchens could be plentiful. In England they had rationing for ten years and it was for an extensive list of things. Cars were not rationed because they discontinued building cars in both countries. The gasoline was rationed as well as tires. Blackout Drapery and Curtains were not rationed. Sand bags were not rationed. Things like dishes, photos, stationary, etc were not rationed.

Why was soap rationed during World War 2?

Yes it was. Almost everything was rationed!

Tires and gas were rationed during World War 2 Name three other items that were rationed?

there was food clothing/cloth and tires and gas Rationed in WWII.

What were five items that were rationed during World War 2?

list five items that were rationed during WWII and why they were rationed.

What does the word rationed mean in Number the Stars?

The word rationed means to supply as little as possible. During the holocaust period, the Nazi's rationed potatoes to the Jewish captives.

Is rationed a preposition?


Was pasta rationed?

no it was not

A sentence with the word rationed?

The only reason why we still have gasoline is because the US government has rationed it.

Was food the only thing rationed?

No. EVERYTHING was rationed. Tobacco, Rubber, Gasoline, much more