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Q: What is a synonym for tweezers?
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What is the antonym and synonym for tweezers?

to make it

Is scissors and tweezers the same?

Is scissors and tweezers the same thing? Well they is close but tweezers is smaller.No scissors cut and tweezers tweez.

What are science tweezers called?

Tweezers are a type of forceps used for plucking hairs.

Are tweezers a conductor or insulator?

Tweezers are typically made of metal, which is a good conductor of electricity. This means that tweezers can allow electricity to flow through them easily.

Is tweezers singular?

singular is tweezer and plural is tweezers

What is a sentence for tweezers?

I used Tweezers to take out my splinter.

What is a sentence using tweezers?

I used tweezers to remove a splinter from my thumb.

When was Optical tweezers created?

Optical tweezers was created in 1986.

What type of noun is tweezers?

The noun 'tweezers' is a common, concrete, uncountable noun. The noun tweezers is a form of uncountable noun called a binary noun, a word for something made up of two parts to make a whole. Binary nouns have no singular form; binary nous are a short form for 'a pair of'. Examples are one tweezers or two tweezers and one pair of tweezers or two pairs of tweezers.

Why are scissors and tweezers for?

Scissors and tweezers are for paper,hair,or anything else you can cut.

What are some different types of tweezers?

Geezer Tweezers are for anyone 62 years and older.

How do you demagnetize a apir of tweezers that somehow became magnetized?

A sharp blow with a hammer should do the trick. The atoms in the tweezers are all alligned north/south, hitting them should dealign the atoms and therefore demagnetize the tweezers. Be carefull not to damage the tweezers!!!