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Q: What is a technique recovery forces use for authentication of an isolated person?
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What is the purpose of the isolated personnel report information data?

Typically reserved for use by recovery forces to conduct a final authentication just prior to recovery.

What recovery method uses special operations forces or a mix of special operations forces and indigenous groups to recover isolated personnel?

noncoventional assisted recovery

What does The Evasion Plan of Action provides recovery forces?

The evasion plan of action (EPA) prvides recovery forces the following information should you become isolated.

What is the purpose of the isolated personnel report information ISOPREP data?

For use by recovery forces to identify personell prior to recovery

What Evasion Plan of Action provides recovery forces the following information should you become isolated?

Ensure you detail the factors concerning the methods and procedures you intend to use to communicate with recovery forces Your evasion intentions and key recovery information It helps them to anticipate your actions and intentions should you become isolated

The Evasion Plan of Action (EPA) provides recovery forces the following information should you become isolated?

Ensure you detail the factors concerning the methods and procedures you intend to use to communicate with recovery forces Your evasion intentions and key recovery information It helps them to anticipate your actions and intentions should you become isolated

What recovery method is used special operations forces or a mix of SOF and indigenous groups to recover isolated personnel?

non conventional assited recovery

What recovery method uses special operations forces sof or a mix of sof and imdigenous groups to recover isolated personnel?

Nonconventional Assisted Recovery

What recovery method uses special operations forces SOF or a mix of SOF and indigenous groups to recover isolated personnel?

Nonconventional Assisted Recovery (NAR)

What recovery method uses special operations forces SOF or a mix of SOF and indigenous gruops to recover isolated personnel?


What recovery method uses special operations forces sof or a mis of sof and indigenous groups to recover isolated personnel?


Once you made contact with the recovery forces at a recovery site?

Follow their instructions exactly.