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A+ Students: euphemism

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Q: What is a term that is as the substitution of a pleasant word or phrase for a more direct one?
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Which of these terms is defined as the substitution of a pleasant word or phrase for a more direct one?

Euphemisms are more sensitive word substitutions.

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Which is a more pleasant drive Hwy 5 or Hwy 1?

Highway 1 is more scenic; Highway 5 is more direct.

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why is frameshift mutation more damanging than a substitution

What is the comparative nice?

Pleasant, Pleasanter, Pleasantest. Although commonly "More pleasant" and "Most pleasant" are used instead.

What is the comparative and superlative of pleasant?

more pleasant, most pleasant

What are the comparative and superlative word pleasant?

more pleasant, most pleasant

Sentence with the word pleasant?

I had a pleasant time at Grandma's house. It was the most pleasant thing he had every seen. The nice weather made the day much more pleasant.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the phrase ''music is life''?

One of the major disadvantages of the phrase is that it is untrue and unsound (pun intended). Another disadvantage is the fact that it suggests music is all there to life, which would be a sad fact, pleasant though music is, there is an awful lot more to life than it.

Is rounding the same as substitution of a number?

No, it is a more precise procedure than that.

What is export promotion and import substitution?

export promotion is exporting morn than import when production is more there is more export to other states and countries . import substitution means substituting import from one place to other.

What is the indirect object. I showed the police officer my license.?

Traditionally, the Direct Object is defined as the noun that immediately follows the verb (more precisely, the noun in the noun phrase that immediately follows the verb phrase). An indirect object is any noun that does NOT belong to the noun phrase immediately following the verb phrase. In the sentence above, 'license' (from the noun phrase "my license") would be the Indirect Object.