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Q: What is a term that refers to entities that exist largely within computer networks?
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What the term of contextof networks?

in the context of networks , the term ________________usually refers to a personal computer connected to a network .

What does each number or group of numbers and the letter mean in 802.11b?

The 802 portion refers to IEEE 802, which is a set of specifications relating to Local Area Networks (or Metropolitan Area Networks). The 11 refers to a subset of IEEE 802, which refers specifically to WLANs (Wireless Local Area Networks). The b represents the version of the protocol that implements the 802.11 specification. For 802.11b, it refers to a protocol that was released in October of 1999. For much more information, see the article on 802.11 here:

What is a network computer?

Usually "network computer" refers to a computer whose primary function is to access the network and can't do much else on its own. Sometimes it is a dumb terminal with no processing power of its own, but more often it does have processing capabilities, but still less than a personal or business computer.Network computers rarely exist outside large corporate networks, where they are generally assigned to very low-level employees with minimal computing needs.

What is the meaning of cards in computer hardware?

In computer hardware, "cards" usually refers to the different silicon boards that make up the hardware of a computer.

criteria for classifying computer files?

Criteria for Computer file classification Criteria for classifying computer files are:  By nature of content: refers to the nature of file content  By organization method: refers to the way files are arranged e.g. serial, sequential, random etc.

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Term coined by science fiction writer William Gibson wich refers to entities thet exist largely in computer networks?


What the term of contextof networks?

in the context of networks , the term ________________usually refers to a personal computer connected to a network .

What is technopreneurship?

The term "techonpreneurship" refers to entrepeneurs who make money in the technological fields, such as computer software/hardware, social networks and internet based businesses.

Is Internet a noun?

Yes, "Internet" is a noun. It refers to the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet Protocol suite to communicate.

Full form of Io?

The full form of Io is Input/Output. It refers to the communication between a computer and its external devices or networks.

What does the term neural networks traditionally refer to?

The term neural networks refers to the circuit of biological neurons. It can also refer to artificial neural networks. They are used in predictive modeling.

What are Net Domestic Assets- NDA?

This usually refers to a country's commercial banks' and/or its central bank's lending to entities (private or public) within the country minus borrowing from those entities.

The term 'word' in computer terminology refers?

The term 'word' in computer terminology refers to:

What characteristics refers to the microscope's ability to show two separate entities as separate and distinct?

Resolving power

What is defrence between IT and CSE department?

Computer science is generally used to describe the creation of computers and computer applications. On the other side, information technology refers to the upkeep and troubleshooting of those computers, together with their networks, systems, and databases.

Which literary term refers to a story with a largely symbolic meaning?

rhetoric (I think)

What is the private sector of industry?

The private sector refers to non-government entities and does not generally include not-for-profit organizations.