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Q: What is a term used to describe a fluid's ability to resist flow?
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Which state of matter has the ability to flow?

Fluids have the ability to flow. Fluids are Liquids and Gasses.

What is this : The property of fluids that resist to flow?

im not sure

How liquids flow?

Liquids flow because they have the ability to resist compression. The rate at which it flows depends on the viscosity of the liquid.

What statement correctly describes both gases and liquids?

Fluids. Any substance that has the ability to flow are defined as fluids. Both liquids and gases have the ability to flow and they are collectively termed as fluids. However, very fine solid particles also belong to this category.

How do liquids flow?

Liquids flow because they have the ability to resist compression. The rate at which it flows depends on the viscosity of the liquid.

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A property of fluids that causes them to resist flowing as a result of internal friction from the fluid’s molecules moving against each other.

Why liquidgas or plasma considered fluids?

Fluids are substances that flow. Liquids flow, gases flow, and ionized gases (plasmas) flow. Thus, they are all fluids.

Why gas is considered as fluid?

"Fluids" are substances whose particles are not rigidly attached to each other. Thus, they can flow.

What describes how a liquid pours?

One can describe how a liquid pours by its viscosity. Viscosity is a liquid's ability to resist flow. Therefore, the higher the viscosity, the "thicker" the liquid is and causes it to pour out slowly. If a liquid is said to have a low viscosity, the liquid is "thinner" and can easily be poured out.

Viscosity is a fluids resistance to?


Are gases and liquids fluids?

A fluid is any substance that can flow. Since liquids and both flow, they are fluids.