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A possible thesis statement for prostitution could be: "Prostitution is a complex social issue with various factors influencing its prevalence, including economic inequality, sex trafficking, and the need for better social services and legal protections for sex workers."

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What is thesis statement of crime rate?

The thesis statement of a paper on crime rate could be: "Crime rates are influenced by a variety of social, economic, and environmental factors, and understanding these influences is crucial for developing effective strategies for crime prevention and reduction."

What is a good thesis statement for treatment of inmates?

A good thesis statement for the treatment of inmates could be: "The successful rehabilitation of inmates hinges on providing comprehensive access to mental health services, educational opportunities, and vocational training within the prison system to reduce recidivism rates and foster successful reentry into society."

What is a good thesis statement for concentration camps?

A possible thesis statement on concentration camps could be: "The existence of concentration camps during World War II represents a dark chapter in human history, where individuals were systematically dehumanized, abused, and murdered on a vast scale, highlighting the atrocities that arise from unchecked power and prejudice."

What is a good thesis statement for the life in prison?

"A strong thesis statement about life in prison could be: The experience of living in prison is marked by a loss of autonomy, restricted freedoms, and a constant struggle for survival amidst a complex social hierarchy."

What is a good thesis statement for methamphetamine use?

A possible thesis statement could be: "The abuse of methamphetamine presents a significant public health concern due to its highly addictive nature, detrimental effects on physical and mental health, and widespread impact on individuals, families, and communities."

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The is where the writer explains to the reader what the essay will be about?

the introduction paragraph and mainly the thesis statement.

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A persuasive thesis statement argues the author's opinion on a topic; a descriptive thesis statement does not.

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A persuasive thesis statement presents an argument or opinion that requires proof or justification, aiming to persuade the reader to agree with a particular viewpoint. In contrast, a descriptive thesis statement simply describes a topic or issue without taking a stance or attempting to persuade the reader.

How is a persuasive thesis statement different from an explanatory thesis statement?

A persuasive thesis statement aims to convince the reader of a specific viewpoint or argument, presenting a clear stance that the writer will defend throughout the essay. In contrast, an explanatory thesis statement simply explains a topic or issue without taking a side or making an argument. The persuasive thesis statement typically includes a call to action or a proposed solution, whereas the explanatory thesis statement mainly provides information.

Is there a hook in a thesis statement?

Yes, a hook in a thesis statement is a sentence that grabs the reader's attention and makes them want to read more. It usually comes at the beginning of the thesis statement to spark interest in the topic being discussed.

What does the thesis statement do?

The thesis statement presents the main idea or argument of the essay. It helps guide the reader and the writer by establishing the focus and direction of the paper.

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A persuasive thesis statement contains the author's opinion on a topic, whereas an explanatory thesis statement does not.

Can a question statement be a thesis statement?

No you may not ask any questions in your thesis statement, because the thesis statement basically states your answer to whatever you are doing.

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Thesis statement is a noun phrase, consisting of the main noun statement and the noun adjunct thesis.

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