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Q: What is a thick mist of water that vapours in the air?
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Are water vapours in air charged?

water vapours changed to clouds.from vivekganandan

What type of solution is mist?

Mist is water vapour that is in the air, it is not really a solution.

What runes are in mist runes?

Water and Air

How is mist created?

mist is created by cold air clashing with warmth then it is so cold that the water turns into mist

What is it called when water changes into water vapor in the air?


How humidity and relative humidity different?

Humidity means amount of water vapour present in air with respect to total amount of air. Relative humidity means ratio of amount of water vapours per unit volume of air to the capacity of air to held maximum water vapours in unit volume of air, at given air temperature.

Are clouds air?

Clouds are water suspended in air the same as mist.

How does the mist form on top of the ice cubes?

Mist is performed by fine droplets of liquid in a gas... so an example would be in the shower when their is white steam coming out which is basically mist. the persin at the top is sooo WRONG. steam and mist are NOT the same.

What are the similarities between steam and mist?

steam and mist are not the same thing

What is the name of water in the air?

water vapor cloud fog mist precipitation

What is the difference between cool mist humidifiers and warm mist humidifiers?

A warm mist humidifier heats up the water causing steam to rise and humidify the air. A cool mist humidifier uses a wick filter which uses either a fan to blow through the filter and blowing the water in a fine mist or a metal diaphragm which vibrates water particles into the air.

How do you best describe mist?

The mist came out of the garden hose, we acted like it was raining.