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Q: What is a thin hollow tube that forms when water drips from the cave ceiling through its center?
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How is a calcitic stalactite rock formed?

water rich in dissolved carbonate drips from the ceiling of caves. As it drips, carbonate (CaCo3) precipitates out bit by bit, creating the stalactite.

What are the stages water goes through as it boils collects on the ceiling and drips back into the pot?

Evaporation (boiling), condensation (collecting), and precipitation (falling). Now go lose your virginity

Why does the ceiling starts to drip on the floor when someone takes a hot shower?

There are several possibilities; some of them indicate plumbing problems, and some of them are just consequences of physics. If the ceiling in the room with the shower drips all over during a hot shower, it may simply be that water vapor from the hot water is condensing on the relatively cool ceiling and dripping. If the ceiling in the room with the shower drips in a particular place, then it may be that the hot water pipe is leaking. (It's unusual for the hot water pipe to run through the ceiling instead of running up inside the wall, but it's not impossible.) It's also possible that it's condensation again, but that the condensation is only occurring at a particularly cool spot... perhaps where the ventilation system or a cold water pipe runs through the ceiling above. If the ceiling in the room underneath the shower drips after someone takes a shower, but only a hot shower, again it's probably the hot water pipe. If the celing in the room underneath the shower drips regardless of whether hot or cold water is used, then it's most likely a drip in the shower drain pan.

What hangs down from the cave?

Stalactites are formations that hang down from the ceiling of caves. These mineral deposits are created as water drips through the cave's ceiling and leaves behind mineral deposits that accumulate over time.

How are the curtains in caves formed?

Curtains are formed when water containing calcium carbonate drips slowly through the joints and bedding planes of the limestone and comes out through a long crack in the ceiling of the cave . The water evaporates, leaving the calcium carbonate behind .

How does deposition form a cave?

Deposition in a cave occurs when minerals in water slowly accumulate on the cave walls and ceiling, creating formations like stalactites and stalagmites. This process happens over thousands of years as water drips through the cave's ceiling, leaving behind mineral deposits that build up into these unique cave formations.

Do stalactites grow toward the cave ceiling?

Yes, stalactites do grow toward the cave ceiling. Stalactites form when mineral-rich water drips from the ceiling of a cave and leaves behind deposits of minerals over time. As each droplet of water evaporates, it leaves behind a small amount of mineral deposit, causing the stalactite to gradually grow downward from the ceiling.

How are stalactites and stalagmites made?

stalactites are formed when water containing calcium carbonate drips down from the ceiling when the water evaporates it leaves the calcium carbonate behind on the CEILING, eventually creating stalactites. stalagmites are created when water containing calcium carbonate drips down from the ceiling and evaporates and leaves the calcium carbonate behind on the FLOOR t

Structure that goes all the way from the cave's ceiling to the floor?

A stalactite is a structure that hangs from the ceiling of a cave and is formed by minerals dripping down, while a stalagmite is a structure that rises from the floor of a cave and is formed by minerals deposited from drips falling from the stalactite. When a stalactite and a stalagmite eventually meet and grow together, they form a column.

When was Sky Drips Drifts created?

Sky Drips Drifts was created in 2007.

Where do stalactites came from?

Caves are damp places, so when a drip of water forms on the ceiling, and does not fall, eventually, it sort of fossilizes. As more drips form, over millions of years, the stalactite lengthens. The fossilization occurs because the water in caves is rich with minerals.(A way to remember the names of the formations is StalaCtites come from the Ceiling, and StalaGmites are on the Ground)

What is a limestone that is dripped from the ceiling of a cave forming a peak or column?

The limestone formation that is dripped from the ceiling of a cave and forms a peak or column is called a stalactite. Stalactites are typically formed from the slow deposition of mineral-rich water, such as calcium carbonate, which drips down from the cave ceiling over time.