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a thought tunnel is something that people use in drama.

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Q: What is a thought tunnel?
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What country does the euro tunnel link with France?

I don't know I thought you would know

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Is the white tunnel of death true?

As far as I can say, it IS true. I believe in it because I'm a Christian and I believe the feelings that people say they had are real. When they say they are floating above their body, watching it being resuscitated, their soul is beginning to depart for heaven, then they see the white tunnel, leading them to heaven. These people get resuscitated before they have a chance to go up the white tunnel. One curious thought though is..... what does this tunnel look like?

What is the short vowel in the first syllable trail toaster tunnel?

Tunnel has a short vowel in the first syllable.

Which warrior cats that has their residence unknown?

Hollyleaf. She was thought to die when a tunnel colapst on her, but it has not been proved yet if she is dead. Some people think she is alive.

What is the world's longest canal tunnel?

The world's longest canal tunnel is the Rove Tunnel in France. The Stad Ship Tunnel in Norway is shorter, wider, and deeper.

Where is the longest tunnel in Colorado?

The Eisenhower Tunnel is the longest vehicular tunnel.

How long is the Frejus Tunnel?

Depends on whether you're referring to the rail tunnel or the road tunnel. The road tunnel is 12.87 kilometres, while the rail tunnel is 13.7 kilometres.

What is tunnel in French?

The word "tunnel" in French is "tunnel".

What is special about the Chunnel?

The most important fact is that no one calls the Channel Tunnel the Chunnel. This is a name thought up by the media when the tunnel was being dug. It is just referred to as the Channel Tunnel or the Tunnel.

When was the Frejus Tunnel built?

The rail tunnel or the road tunnel? Construction of the rail tunnel began in 1857, and it was first opened in 1871. Construction of the road tunnel spanned from 1974 to 1980.