

What is a tidal sequence?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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9y ago

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A tidal sequence is the order in which the tides of a day occur, with special reference to whether the higher high water immediately precedes or follows the lower low water.

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Not a movie- but a TV show, opening shots of Hawaii Five O had the famous Pacific Surf sequence!

What is the history of tidal energy?

tidal energy is created by turbines that does make tidal power

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there is no other name for a tidal wave, just tidal wave

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Where can you get tidal from?

We can get the tidal from raising or falling the water in sea

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A spring tide has the greatest tidal range. A neap tide has a smaller tidal range.

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Parts of it, near where it flows into the sea, are tidal. Further upstream, it is not tidal.

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The amount, called tidal volume, is basally about half a litre/500ml. But it, multiplies upon exertion.

What starts a tidal wave?

The tidal wave starts by the moon