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Q: What is a tiny packet of energy released when an electron returns to a lower energy level?
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When metal is heated the light emitted is because it gains energy as they return to lower energy levels?

Just the opposite. As an electron returns to a lower energy level, it emits a packet (quantum) of energy that may be a visible photon.

The light bearing packet of energy emitted by an electron is called a?

A packet of light energy is called a photon.

What part of mitochondria is the electron transport chain located?

In the mitochondria, the electron carriers are embedded in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion.

What is the photon?

Its a packet of energy.

Why do different atoms produce different colors of light?

Atoms consist of neutrons, protons and electrons. The electrons form 'clouds' around the nuclei of atoms, and in general the nuclei consist of protons and neutrons. The electrons in the outer clouds have more energy than those in the inner clouds. When an electron 'falls' to a lower cloud it a packet of energy is released which might consist of light. Since the energy levels between the clouds vary between atoms the energies released when an electron falls vary from atom to atom. Frequency is equivalent to energy level, and frequency of light is equivalent to colour on the light spectrum.

Explain the production of an emission spectrum in terms of energy states of an electron?

i am actually trying to answer the same exact question in my chem packet right now

What are packet of light energy?


What is a packet of energy traveling in a wave?


When electrons are excited out of their orbitals do they release light energy?

It takes energy to get those electrons up out of their orbitals. It is when they "fall back" and return to their orbitals that they release energy. The energy released will be electromagnetic energy, and if the energy is high enough (but not too high), it will appear as visible light. This is what is happening in a fluorescent tube when it is turned on and emitting light.

What is the word Planck used for packet of energy?


What an example of a photon?

energy of one packet of light

The spectral lines in the spectrum of an element relate to the?

The energy levels of the atom; from which when the atom is in an exited state and drops down in to a lower energy level it releases a quanta (packet) of energy which is of a certain frequency, this is then related to the colour of the light released.