

Best Answer

ATLAS Settlement, LLC located in Pittsburgh PA assists with residential and commercial real estate title insurance and closing services. ATLAS Settlement offers the highest quality professional services with regards to all facets of your Real Estate transaction, from drafting instruments of conveyances and issuing the title insurance policies to full document preparation and representation from contract to closing. ATLAS Settlement LLC's website is

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Q: What is a title insurance companys liability if a lender has received a title commitment and a title transfer at closing involved fraud?
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If you are involved in an accident and have auto liability insurance and the other driver does not what are your rights?

Liability insurance for drivers is a requirement in the state of Mississippi. The other party involved in this accident does not have insurance. I do have liability insurance. The accident was not reported although law enforcement was called and an accident report was completed. The other party now wants me to fix her automobile. What are my rights in this situation?

What is liability coverage on auto insurance?

This means that if the accident was your fault, your insurance will pay(up to an amount that is on your policy) for the other property and persons involved in the accident. Liability insurance does NOT cover your vehicle damage.

Is boat insurance required in Ohio?

No liability insurance is not mandatory for boating in Ohio, it is a good idea to have liability insurance to tide over troubles if you or someone operating your boat is involved in a boating accident.

is Texas liability car insurance reliable?

All insurance is somewhat expensive under specific circumstances. However, you can be assured that you do get significant benefits from liability insurance plans so long as foul play is not involved.

Auto insurance liability?

Most of the auto insurance packages come with liability insurance included, since it is usually required by the law. The main purpose of the liability insurance is to provide compensation in case of an accident. In order to make things clearer for you, when you, for example, are involved in a car crash and you have liability insurance in place, the insurance company will pay compensation to the other side. You can also check out my related links for more information and examples.

If you are driving someone else's car does your liability insurance pay repairs to the vehicle you are driving?

No, liability insurance is when there are injuries involved. If you are injured in an accident when someone else is driving your car, your liability insurance would cover your medical costs. Comprehensive and collision insurance on the car you were driving should pay for damages to the vehicle.

If somebody has a 100K dollar net worth how much liability insurance do they need?

Amount of liability insuranceYou should get enough general liability insurance to cover your net worth or your perceived potential liabilities. If you're involved in high-risk activities, you might consider even more insurance.

Is there an insurance fee usually involved for camera rentals?

Depending on where you have rented the camera, there may be an insurance fee in order to claim liability for the camera.

What is the collision coverage?

That is the part of your insurance that pays for damage to your vehicle, when you are at fault, if you are involved in an accident. This is coverage would need to be purchased in addition to your regular liability insurance.

What does liability insurance cover?

The term "Liability" means anything you are libal for. The best way to put it is the liability section of an insurance policy covers other people's bodies and stuff, in the event you harm either of those things. The medical and car repair bills for anyone else involved in an accident you caused

Where can I get personal trainer insurance?

Read up on all the steps involved at but don't overpay for it there. Go to a local insurance agent and figure out whether this liability insurance is a better deal at an actual insurance agent's location.

What company offers the best commercial liability insurance?

"A lot of insurance quality strongly depends on what exactly is covered and the value needed to properly insure against liabilities involved. However, some top names in the commercial liability insurance business are Nationwide and Bolt. Talking to an insurance agent with specifics would then provide more information."