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Q: What is a tough structural protein that gives strength to nails hair and skin?
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What gives hair and nails strength and durability?

All of the dead skin in your nails give them strength and durability.

What is the protein found in human hair and fingernails?

Keratin is the structural protein for hair and nails (also horns in animals).

How are hair and nails similar in structure?

Both are made from a structural protein called Keratin.

What do nails consist of?

Nails are made of keratin, a fibrous structural protein. It is also a key component of hair and the outside layer of skin.

Why is human finger nails and hair are described as being keratinized?

'Keratin' is a structural protein, which our hair, nails, and animal horns are mostly made from.

What is the function of keratin found within skin cells?

Keratin is the key structural component of hair and nails, and it provides the necessary strength and toughness.

What type of substance is keratin?

Keratin is a type of organic compound known as a protein. It is a structural protein found in places like the hair and fingernails.

Name two types of structural proteins in your body?

Structural proteins are fibrous. Some examples of these are: skin, fur, hair, wool, claws, nails, hooves, horns, scales, beaks and feathers.

Whats the Nature and function of keratin?

Keratin is a protein that is a major component of hair, skin and nails. It is formed from a combination of amino acids, and its function in the human body is to protect the skin from damage, and protect hair and nails from breakage.

What is made up of hair?

Mainly keratin which is a structural protein. It is also made up of other vitamins and proteins. Finger and toe nails are also made from keratin.

Are nails made out of cartilage?

Nails are NOT made out of cartilage. Nails are made out of keratin, the same structural component that makes up hair. Both keratin and cartilage are types of structural proteins, but they are not related.

The protein that helps make vertebrate skin tougher and more waterproof is?

The protein that helps to make the skin of a vertebrate tougher and more waterproof is called keratin. Keratin is also the primary structural component of nails and hair.