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Q: What is a trend of sheilding effect in periods?
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Why does the bigger size atoms have more sheilding effect?

The number of electron shells is higher.

Why anthroprogenic ozone does not provide us sheilding effect?

It does, but there just isn't enough of it (density, or height) to provide any significant increase in protection.

How exercise effect periods?

it will effect periods ,its sure bcoz when we are jumping it will make overflow it &feel stomach ache

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Can taking tramdol and gabapentin effect your periods?

No it shouldn't effect your period -

Does weight have an effect on girls periods?

yes the weight can effect a menstal cycle

What are the benefits and limitation of using Trend analysis in future prediction?

uncomperable when results in selected periods are seasonal affected

What are the Ways to reduce the effects of cellphone towers radiation?

To reduce the effects of cellphone tower radiation, you can limit your exposure by keeping your distance from the towers, using hands-free devices or speakerphone when making calls, and minimizing the time spent on calls when in close proximity to the towers. Additionally, you can consider using shielding materials or devices that are designed to block or redirect radiation.

What is the shielding effect trend?

The reduction in the force of attraction between the nucleus and outer most electron is known as shielding effect

Does sleeping pills effect menstrual periods?

Yes, they can do

Which current trend tied to increase globalization has the effect of easier outsourcing?

improved communication

What is electron affinity . write down its trend in periods and group?

The electronegativity increase in a period from left to right; in a group decrease by descending.