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Q: What is a true statement about the end products of cell division?
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yes..growth accomplishes both cell division and cell enlargement.

Wich statement is true of both mitosis and meiosis?

DNA replication occurs before the division of the nucleus.

Meiotic cell division occurs in a special organ known as?

meiotic cell division occurs in the gonads

Mitosis is one type of cell division that produces identical copies f the cell?

A. True :)

Mitosis is one type of cell division that produces an exact duplicate of the nucleus cell True or False?

yes the mitosis is part of cell division that produce two daughter hahahahahaha

Would a cell survive if it went through mitosis but not cytokineses?

No, because cytokinesis is the actual division of the cytoplasm which is necessary for true cell division.

What is true about the rates of cell division in eukaryotes?

They vary greatly withing an organism

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Is the Final preparation for cell division is made during the cell life cycle subphase called G2.?


During the lysogenic cycle the viral genome replication and the host cell is destroyed. true or false?

No, that statement is not true.

What statement about the process of binary fission is true?

as the cell grows, the chromosomes become separated.

What are the practical applicant of cell division in medicine and agriculture?

The practical application of cell division is that it keeps living organisms alive and is the process by which they grow and reproduce. This is true for plants and animals and so is true in medicine and agriculture. Cell division is the process where one cell divides and makes two cells. If cell division did not occur, higher organisms would not repair and replace used, damaged or exhausted tissues. They would not grow or reproduce. Only in the smallest forms of life, e.g. viruses or bacteria, is the continuation of life for any modest length of time possible without cell division.