

What is a trustee sale?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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Q: What is a trustee sale?
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Where can one purchase trustee for sale?

One can purchase trustee sale, such as foreclosure property. One important thing to note about buying the trustee sale, it is a cash only type of purchase.

What does N.O.T.S. stand for?

Notice of trustee sale

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What is TS number?

I believe it stands for the "Trustee Sale" number of a foreclosure.

How long after a trustee sale does a tenant have to vacate in california?

30 days

How long do you have to move out of your house after a trustee sale in Arizona?

you have 3 days unless you negotiate with the new owners. Also, moving after the trustee sale is tricky because essentially everything in the home now belongs to them. It's smarter to move out before the sale.

How can you buy your grandfather's property from a trust?

You need to contact the trustee of the trust and ask about purchasing the property. The trustee has only those powers outlined in the trust document. The trustee must have the power of sale in order to sell the property to you.

How long after foreclosure sale of a home to trustee do you have to vacate premises in California?

You usually have 30 days to vacate but the trustee should tell you exactly how long you have. Each situation is different.

How many house payments do you have to be behind for a trustee sale?

A trustee sale is a public auction at which a piece of real estate is sold. Trustee sales are held when people default on their mortgages and the lenders take possession of the property, and they are also held when people fail to pay their property taxes and the taxing authority takes the property. Such sales are usually listed in the newspaper so that members of the public are aware of the fact that property is available for sale. In the case of mortgaged properties, when someone mortgages a property, part of the agreement involves a clause which allows the lender to foreclose on the property if the borrower does not pay. When property is foreclosed, a person is appointed to act as a trustee to handle the repossession of the property and the sale at auction. The purpose of the trustee sale is to collect the balance of the loan. Tax auctions are held for similar reasons.

How do you find results of trustee sale?

Depending on what type of property it was that was sold by the 'trustee' the results will on file in either the Clerk of Court's Office, the Tax Office, or in the county real estate records.

What if opening bid is higher than house is worth in trustee sale?

Then it will go back to the beneficiary, the lender.

Are there delay in foreclosure services in ca?

It's NOT an unlimited period of time, just an indefinite one that is significantly long. It doesn't cancel a foreclosure, it just keeps the trustee from foreclosing while they meet the requirements of a legality challenge. It only works in Trustee Sale states. ( California is a trustee sale state.) However, it can easily triple the amount of time that a trustee can take to complete the foreclosure process. It doesn't work from the lender side at all, it purely focuses on the trustee side of a foreclosure sale. The maximum dollar amount it has worked on so far is for an $8 million property. The trustee will eventually be able to finish the Trustee Sale but this has been used to delay the sale up to 41 months. The minimum time it has worked is 6 months and 15 days so far. That's the minimum time so far it's taken for the trustee to comply and then proceed with the sale. A client may qualify if: ■The Trustee Sale Date is 30 days or less from now ■You have filed Bankruptcy, been denied for a loan mod or a temporary restraining order was lifted ■You need more time to facilitate a short sale, regular sale or loan modification ■If you are renting from a landlord or losing your home that you want to stay in A Trustee Sale Legality Challenge is only a TEMPORARY solution to keep the foreclosure sale date at bay. We can use it to only delay the sale - not cancel the foreclosure. It is a complex tactic that focuses on stalling the sale by focusing on the trustee sale legality. You can delay the sale for 6 months plus by using this method. This is NOT an inexpensive route however, but it's cheaper than paying the mortgage and prevents a sale without doing credit damage like a bankruptcy filing. It has delayed sales for up to 41 months. We can use this as "insurance" for a "lock out" of truste sale while pursuing other solutions. Just to make it perfectly clear: We can ONLY buy time by utilizing a trustee notice of sale challenge to push off the sale date significantly into the future. Some other method must be used to actually resolve the foreclosure! This is a good form of insurance to make sure the trustee doesn't sell the property out from underneath us while we are pursuing our final objectives. We work all of the above solutions in conjunction with credit cleanup further down the line after our client's lives have stabilized. We have systems in place to help accomplish life stabilization too - mainly due to the fact we've been down the foreclosure route ourselves so we know how we fixed it long term. We also now know what we really needed to know 20 years ago when we were going through all this ourselves. Call us today: 714-881-4492