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Q: What is a tumor composed of bone tissue?
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What is a tumor composed of cells derived from the blood forming tissues of a bone marrow?

LeukemiaMyeloma is a malignant tumor made up from bone marrow cells.myeloma

What is brown tumor?

A brown tumor is basically a lesion on your bone. A brown tumor is fibrous tissue throughout the bone and contains no matrix.

What is the human nose composed of?

The human nose is composed of bone, soft tissue, and cartilage.

What is the medical term for a tumor composed of fat tissue?

In medical "Lipoma" is a benign tumor of adipose tissue (cell that contain fat).

What kind of tissue is a lipoma composed of?

A lipoma is a benign tumor that is composed of adipose (fat) tissue. It is a non-cancerous growth that typically forms just under the skin, although it can also occur in deeper tissues. Lipomas are generally soft to the touch and can vary in size.

The tissue type composed of haversian systems?

Compact bone

What is the basic unit of bone tissue?

Bone tissue is classified into compact bone and spongy bone. The compact bone basic unit is the osteon, or Haversian System. There are no osteons in spongy bone, but it is composed of lamellae, osteocytes, lacunae and canaliculi.

Is yellow bone marrow primarily composed of blood cells?

No. It is composed of fatty tissue and it one place where extra stores of food are kept.

What is the medical term meaning tumor of the spinal cord or abnormal proliferation of bone marrow tissue?


What is the medical term meaning Malignant tumor of connective or supportive tissue?

Sarcoma (for examp. Langerhern Cell Sarcoma, Sarcoma of Ewing). addition! Reticulosarcoma (means sarcoma of the reticulocyte cells) A malignant tumor of connective tissue is called Sarcoma. There are three different subcategories: Hard Tissue Sarcomas (can occur in bone or cartilage), Soft Tissue Sarcomas (can occur in muscles, tendons, or lymphatic vessels) , and Liquid Tissue Sarcomas (can occur in blood and lymph)

Tendons and ligaments must withstand tension along the axis of their fibers These structures are composed of?

Tendons are the elastic bands that connect muscle to bone, while ligaments are the bands that connect bone to bone. Both are made of connective tissue that is composed of collagen.

Why are tendons epithelial tissue and ligaments avascular What are the advantages of this tissue being avascualr?

tendons are not made of epithelial tissue, they are made of connective tissue.Epithelial tissue secretes via ducted or ductless glands.Ligaments are also composed of connective tissue. Any tissue that "connects structures" are generally composed of connective tissue.Ligaments connect bone to bone and there is a debate about the avascularity of ligaments.