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Historical fiction is a type of fiction that is based on real facts and events from the past. It often blends fictional elements with actual historical context to create a story that is set in a specific time period or historical event.

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Q: What is a type of fiction based on real se what is a type of fiction based on real facts?
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What is the type of book that is fiction and is based on real people or events from history?

It is a type of category called Historical Fiction.

Is a fictional book real?

Depends on the type of book. There are two different types for books: non-fiction and fiction. Nonfiction means that the book is based on actual events and tells stories that actually happened in real life. Fiction means that the book is a fairytale and is completely made up. So if the book is non-fiction, then it is real. If they are fiction, then they are fake.

What is fiction or nonfiction?

Fiction refers to stories or narratives that are not based in real events, often created by the author's imagination. Nonfiction, on the other hand, refers to writing that presents factual information and is based on real events or experiences.

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Fiction is a type of writing that is based on the imagination.

What are the two mjor division of literature?

The two major divisions of literature are fiction and non-fiction. Fiction includes works that are created from the author's imagination, while non-fiction includes works that are based on real events, facts, or information.

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Non-fiction is a story that is real, not made up.

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What is the difference between fiction and literature?

Fiction is a type of literature. Literature is any kind of writing and/or reading. Fiction is writing that is made-up; Nonfiction is only true facts, like a magazine article. So, since Fiction is a type of writing, it is also part of literature.

What is a type of reasoning where conclusions are based on given facts?

additive property

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Realistic fiction because the story isn't real but it's possible of happening in real life

What is a type of fiction which is made up but contains true to life characters setting and plot?

Realistic fiction is a type of fiction that includes made-up stories but features characters, settings, and plots that could exist in the real world. This genre often deals with real-life issues and experiences, presented in a believable and authentic way.

What type of fiction is vampire?

Non fiction