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Q: What is a verbal cue that you should listen for while taking notes in class?
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In class you should be focused. NOT humming away to lady gaga or Rihanna. Try to focus in class. Then after school listen to your ipod all you want!

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i need to know about how t o write a essay on listen to your teacher

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students should listen to ipods during class because im awesome

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i don't know, you should listen in class

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Try to listen to the teacher and ignore people that bothers you. :)

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you should listen in class. mate

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sure.IF it increases your grades=)

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mabye you should listen in class then go online and be stupid

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they are the ouebec ..... you should maybe listen better in class

Should pupils be aloud to listen to music in class?

No - they are there to learn, and must pay attention.

How do you listen in class?

To listen effectively in class, it's essential to be present and engaged by sitting in the front, staying off electronic devices, taking notes, and asking questions to clarify information. Avoid distractions and practice active listening by focusing on the speaker and summarizing key points in your own words.

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i think the more you know before taking a class, the more you will get out of the class