

What is a vlink?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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13y ago

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I Think VLink Means Visited Link.

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13y ago
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Q: What is a vlink?
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What is the full form of vlink?

Visited link...... I think!!

What does body vlink do in HTML?

encloses the main body of the document. The attribute Alink="..." specifies the color of the activated link on the page. Vlink=".."specifies the color of the followed links (clicked on or visited already) in the page. other body attributes include: bgcolor="..." the background color of the page.or Text="..." specifies the color of the text in the page.

What are alinks and vlinks in HTML programs?

An alink is an "active link." The alink declaration in CSS is used to adjust the styling of the link between the time that the user clicks it, and the time that the resource it points to loads. If you're on a fast connection, or you're visiting a page you've visited before, you might not even see the alink styles happen.A vlink is a "visited link." The vlink declaration in CSS is used to adjust the styling of a link after it has been visited. In most modern browsers, links, by defaul, are blue with an underline, and vlinks are underlined and purple.

Where do you type in HTML code to make a page?

The place in which you place JavaScript codes for a website depends entirely on what the code is doing. If you're going to place the code directly in the website, it is generally advisable to use <SCRIPT> tags to surround the code, and place that code into the HEAD section of the document. In the old days, we also used the HEAD section for includes ( <script src="blahblahblah.js"...> ) and this is still done if you want to be sure that the script is loaded before the page starts. However, if the script loading a little later, it's good Search Engine Optimization practice to instead include the script tags at the bottom of the BODY section, just prior to closing.

How do you create Google homepage using HTML coding?

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