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Q: Wading bird related to the heron?
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What bird is long-legged and wading which is also related to a heron?

Egret is a long-legged, wading bird. It is related to a heron.

What is a five letter word for a wading bird?


Is a mallard a wading bird?

A mallard is not a wading bird, like a heron or stork. A mallard is a duck and considered to be a waterfowl.

What is the heron's nest made out of?

The heron is a large wading bird which preys on fish. Its nest is generally made out of branches and twigs.

What do you call an Egyptian wading bird?

This could be an Ibis or a type of Heron/ Egret or several others.

What is a heron?

A heron is a wading bird of the family of Ardeidae. There are 64 separate species of heron.which also lives in wetland(marshland)

Name of a wading bird 6 letters -v-c-t?

The name of the wading bird that fits that description is "Avocet."

What is a 5 letter word for a wading bird?

Some wading birds with five-letter names include the following: Crane Egret Heron Snipe Stint Stork

What do Grey heron do?

The wading bird called a grey heron, mainly eats small fish. However, they also tend to eat amphibians, birds, and other smaller sized mammals.

What kind of animal is an egret?

It is a bird called a heron. They are typically white with long bills and a swan like neck. They spend much of the time wading in water looking for fish as food.For the source and more detailed information concerning this subject, click on the related links section ( indicated below this answer box.

What do Grey heron eat?

The wading bird called a grey heron, mainly eats small fish. However, they also tend to eat amphibians, birds, and other smaller sized mammals.

How many wings does a heron have?

According to pictures, herons have long legs and 3 long toes. I'm not really sure in reality if they really have 3 or...