

Best Answer

A groin. (grow-in) That's how u pronounce it. =)

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Q: What is a wall of rocks or concrete built outward from a beach to prevent erosion?
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What is the job of a groyne at the beach?

A groyne is a structure which is built at least partially underwater to inhibit water flow and control the movement of sediment. The purpose of a groin at the beach is either to create more beach or to prevent the erosion of an existing beach.

Can beach sand be used as a underlayment for concrete?

It is not recommended as it contains salts and debris that will cause concrete failure.

Why is beach sand not suitable for concrete designing?

Sand from a beach is contaminated with all sorts of chemicals that will cause severe deleterious reactions to a concrete paste. If we are speaking of sand from an ocean environment the salt [Chloride] content is around 4%. Chlorides commence corrosion cell formation on embedded steel reinforcement in a matter of hours. With corrosion comes rust which expands the volume area of the steel. As the steel corrodes and expands the expansion causes a concrete to crack. When a crack becomes larger it allows even more chlorides moisture and oxygen free access to the steel which corrodes even faster. A design using beach sand is a prescription for concrete failure. Attempts at washing a beach sand are futile. Structures built with beach sand are doomed from the day they are poured

Administers programs aimed at protecting the environment improving waterway navigation flood and beach erosion control and water resources development?

United States Army

What are the slatted fences along the beach called?

This wooden slatted fencing is called a sand fence. Its function is similar to a snow fence used along highways in the north to control drifting snow. The sand fences provide:Dune erosion maintenanceCoastline preservationVegetation preservation improving natural erosion controlPreserve and mark out sensitive areas and preserve habitat ecologyControl of the blowing sand (or snow) across highways or airport runways

Related questions

What do groins do?

Groins prevent longshore drift from touching the beach as a part of the many ways that people can prevent beach erosion.

What are the advantages of the beach?

Groynes prevent or slow down erosion.

What is the wall of rocks or concrete built outward from a beach to stop longshore drift is called?


What are twenty ways to prevent beach erosion?

By building barriers along the beach and planting sea plants.

What are three ways to prevent a beach orison?

Erosion affects and shapes the entire world. From the mountains to the coast, erosion is evident everywhere. Since erosion is unavoidable, the problem becomes discovering ways to prevent it. Present beach erosion prevention methods include sand dunes, vegetation, seawalls, sandbags, and sand fences.

A wall of rocks or concrete built outward from a beach to stop longshore drift is called?

I think its a Sea wall?

What is upper beach vegetation How does it prevent erosion?

it stops sand from blowing off the beach in addition to keeping it in place with its root system. Beach grass and some trees are examples.

How can beach erosion be managed?

Beach erosion can be managed by planting vegetation.

A protective structure of stone or concrete extends from shore into the water to prevent a beach from washing away?


What are breakwaters?

a protective structure of stone or concrete; extends from shore into the water to prevent a beach from washing away

What evidence do you see that beach erosion has occurred?

Reducing the surface of the beach is a consequence of erosion.

What are three ways to prevent beach erosion?

Planting sea grass, building water breaks, building retention walls, restricting traffic.