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Q: What is a warm humid air that rises into the cloud?
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How would you describe the cloud formation?

Clouds form when warm, humid air rises and cools to it's dew point.

Thunderstorms Form When warm humid air rises?

unstable environment

Thunderstorms form when warm humid air rises in .?

unstable environment

What causes a cloud to form?

Clouds are form because humid air rises upward.

When saturated air is warmed?

When saturated air is warm, it creates an unstable air mass. As the moisture content rises, the humidity rises as well. This can lead to warm and humid conditions.

What is the cause of cloud formation along a cold front?

As the cold front advances, the colder air lifts the warm moist air ahead of it. The air cools as it rises and the moisture condenses to produce clouds and precipitation ahead of and along the cold front.rising warm humid air

If clouds are made of water how is it that they float?

The temperature inside the cloud is warmer than that around the cloud. Warm air rises, and the cloud stays 'floating'

What is the primary requirement for the formation of thunderstorms?

Warm, humid air which rises in an unstable environment. Often, this happens as a cold front sweeps into a warm, humid region, driving up the warm, moist air into a region where it quickly condenses due to temperature and pressure changes.

What type of cloud forms when warm moist air overrides a layer of cool air?

Stratiform clouds, such as stratus or nimbostratus clouds, form when warm moist air rises over a layer of cool air. As the warm air cools and condenses, it creates a blanket-like cloud layer that can result in overcast or rainy conditions.

What is cloud made of?

a cloud is a collection of millions of tiny water droplets or ice crystals .clouds form as warm air rises and cools

At what temperature does cumulonimbus clouds form?

Cumulonimbus clouds typically form at temperatures ranging from 10 to 25 degrees Celsius. These clouds are associated with strong updrafts and can extend to high altitudes in the atmosphere, leading to the development of thunderstorms and sometimes severe weather.

When warm air near the surface of the Earth rises - does cooler air tend to rush in to take its place?

No. Warm air rises because its warmth causes it to rise. The act of forcing air upwards will warm the air slightly because of friction, but the act alone of air rising does not raise the temperature of the air.