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Pressure is the force that launches the bottle rocket once it has launched this pressure starts to dissipate until no other force is driving the rocket to overcome gravity, therefore gravity is now the only force acting on the object and as such the bottle falls back to earth

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10y ago

Newton's Third law is the conservation of Momentum. When water escapes from the water rocket the rocket moves in the opposite direction. The faster the water moves, the faster the water rocket moves.

0 = dP/dt = dwV/dt = wdV/dt + Vdw/dt this gives wdV/t = -Vdw/dt

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For every equal action there is a equal reaction!

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Q: What is a water bottle rocket's reaction to newton's laws?
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What law is in water bottle rockets?

Newton's third law

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Newton's laws of motion revolutionized our understanding of physics and continue to be fundamental in the study of mechanics.

Why do bottle rockets need water to fly?

To but pressure for it can fly high

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Pop bottle rockets work by creating a build-up of pressure inside the bottle through a chemical reaction between baking soda and vinegar. The reaction releases carbon dioxide gas, which builds pressure until it forces the bottle to shoot upwards like a rocket. The escaping gas propels the bottle in the opposite direction.

How much does a 24 bottle of 500ml water weigh?

It weighs approx 4900 Newtons.

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How many newtons are needed to lift a 2 liter bottle of water?

If you and the bottle are anywhere near the Earth's surface, AND there's no other force working against you, AND the bottle itself weighs zero and you only have to lift the water, then you need to lift it with any force greater than roughly 19.6 newtons.

Why do bottle rockets have to have water?

Water helps to create a layer of resistance inside the bottle rocket when it is pressurized. This resistance builds up pressure, which helps propel the rocket into the air when the pressure is released. Additionally, the water adds weight to the rocket, improving stability and trajectory.

What would be an action-reaction pair according to Newtons third law?

An oar pushes the water and the water pushes the oar.

How much does a water bottle containing 591 ml weigh in pounds?

591 ml of water weighs about 5.796 newtons (1.303 pounds). There's no way for us to know the weight of the bottle.

A bottle of hydrogen peroxide that eventually turns into a bottle of water and oxygen gas is an example of a what?

This is an example of a chemical reaction known as decomposition, where a single compound breaks down into simpler substances. In this case, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) decomposes into water (H2O) and oxygen gas (O2) through a catalyzed reaction.

A bottle of hydrogen peroxide that eventually turns into a bottle of water and oxygen gas is an example of what?

Decompostion reaction