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Q: What is a water wave caused by an earthquake volcanic irruption or landslide?
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What caues tsunami?

a tsunami is caused by an underwater earthquake,explosion,landslide,or a volcanic eruption.

Which term refers to powerful ocean waves caused by an earthquake landslide or volcanic erupton on the sea floor?


Is a tsunnami one wave?

A tsunami is actually a series of waves caused by either an earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption, or meteorite impact.

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What happens after a coastal earthquake?

A landslide is mainly caused

What are the three causes of a tsunami?

Tsunami waves can be caused by a major earthquake or landslide on the sea flow. Another cause is from the land slumping into the ocean or a large volcanic eruption.

What are some causes of tsunamis?

A tsunami can happen when there is a sudden movement in the ocean thatâ??s caused by a landslide or earthquake. The other cause of tsunami is volcanic eruptions or meteorite impact.

What caused the landslide in Tibet in 1950 that destroyed 70 villages?


What is atsunami?

A Tsunami is similar to a tidal wave but generally bigger and caused by earthquakes that happen on the sea bed

What was the cause of the Indian ocean tsunmai?

An earthquake caused an undersea landslide. it also can form by an under water earthquake

What is the connection between Minoan civilization and a volcanic eruption on thera?

the earthquake caused a volcanic eruption

What volcanic explosion was caused by the Kobe Earthquake?

the Kobe earthquake wasn't caused by a volcanic explsion, yes it occured at a destructive plate margine where the phillipine plate subducted under the eurasian plate but no vulcanism occured, the friction caused by the subduction caused the earthquake which has been identified to have a strike slip mechanism