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Hollowpoint Wave Walker

This unique design is unmatched in surface splash and has proven itself in raising Billfish, Tuna and even Sharks. The paddle wheels slap the water sending spray over a wide area.

Easy to retrieve and as it is made from soft material, it won't damage the deck or transom.

The Wave Walker is trolled just at the back of the wake with a squid daisy chain attached or a lure from the Hollowpoint Lure range such as a Kona Killa or Nitro (please see below for fully rigged Wave Walkers).

We highly recommend this surface teaser when chasing Billfish on fly as it is far superior to the traditional bird teasers.

Length: 445mm (17 1/2")

Width: 245mm (9 3/4")

Height: 280mm (11")

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Q: What is a wave walker?
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What is a wave-walker?

Hollowpoint Wave Walker This unique design is unmatched in surface splash and has proven itself in raising Billfish, Tuna and even Sharks. The paddle wheels slap the water sending spray over a wide area. Easy to retrieve and as it is made from soft material, it won't damage the deck or transom. The Wave Walker is trolled just at the back of the wake with a squid daisy chain attached or a lure from the Hollowpoint Lure range such as a Kona Killa or Nitro (please see below for fully rigged Wave Walkers). We highly recommend this surface teaser when chasing Billfish on fly as it is far superior to the traditional bird teasers. Length: 445mm (17 1/2") Width: 245mm (9 3/4") Height: 280mm (11")

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