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Q: What is a waxy surface on a leaf that prevents evaporation?
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What is the cuticle in a leaf?

The cuticle is a waxy covering on the leaves of plants. It is produced by the upper epidermis, which is like the skin of a leaf. Its function is to protect the leaf from water loss through evaporation. Hope this helps!

What is the function of the waxy transparent top of layer of leaves?

The waxy transparent layer of leaves prevents water evaporation.

What is the job of the waxy layer?

Assuming you mean in plant life, it prevents dehydration through evaporation

What is a thick cuticle?

If a leaf has a thick waxy cuticle then it reduces water loss due to the lipids and fats being hydrophobic to water, this prevents evaporation and thus slows transpiration. Also the shiny surface reflects some sunlight which can reduce heat at the surface of the water reducing evaporation further.

Can a leaf have no waxy surface?

Yes a leaf can not have a waxy surface if it is so adapted. The waxy surface is designed to keep water off, and inside of the leaf. Leaves in the rain forest often have a waxy surface to keep from being constantly saturated in water.

What is Waxy layer of the leaf?

Plants need a large surface area for the up-take of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for the process of photosynthesis. Unforunately, this increased surface area increases the volume of water lost by transpiration, so a waxy cuticle located on the surface of the leaves reduces excessive water loss. However, this prevents gases entering or leaving the leaf, so tiny holes called stomata are postitioned on the unerside of the leaf, where less evaporation takes place, but where gases can move freely also.

What is the function of the waxy transparent top layer of?

The waxy transparent layer of leaves prevents water evaporation.

What is the function of the waxy transparent top layer?

The waxy transparent layer of leaves prevents water evaporation.

What waxy substance cover the leaf surface?

the waxy material in the leaf is called "CUTIN"

What is the function of the waxy transparent top layer of leave?

The waxy transparent layer of leaves prevents water evaporation.

What is the waxy layer that prevents water loss from leaf tissue?


What plant has leaves with waxy surfaces to protect themselves from dehydration due to much sunlight?

Such plants tend to store water in swollen leaf cells, and are generally classed as succulents. The waxy leaf surface is to prevent too much evaporation of water due to the heat.