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Q: What is a weather system that produces large winds hail heavy rain lightning and found?
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What kinds of Weather Do Tornadoes Bring?

A tornado does not cause other types of weather. It is itself a vortex the produces extremely fast winds. Tornadoes are often accompanied by hail, heavy rain, and thunder and lightning, though these are not a result of the tornado itself.

What weather kills people in the US other than lightning?

Thunderstorms. I don't just mean lightning, I am talking about the storm itself. Yes it does produce lightning which is the leading cause of weather related death and injury in the US but they can also spawn tornadoes, cause floods and make hail and are even found everywhere in a hurricane. Basically the most dangerous weather conditions in the world are thunderstorms.

What kind of weather system is found in areas of high pressure Low air pressure?

Depending on the air pressure the weather system can be hot of cold

What weather conditions are found at a low pressure system?

Cyclone or depression.

What is thundersnow?

Thundersnow is a rare weather system that when it snows, thunder roars. Mostly found in the northeast.

Where is weather found?

Weather is found in the lower atmosphere

What are parts that found in respiratory system goose?

i mainly depends on the weather and what mood I'm in.. hahahahah freak

Can plasma be found in lightning?

Yes, lightning is a natural form of plasma. Lightning occurs when a large discharge of electricity ionizes and heats the air in its path, creating a plasma state. Plasma is a state of matter in which gas particles become ionized, forming an electrically conductive medium.

Does lightning need oxygen to exist?

No lightning is just energy. It is also found on Venus.

Where can matter be found in plasma state in blood or livers or river or lightning?

Matter can be found in the plasma state in lightning. Lightning is a form of plasma, which is a state of matter where atoms are stripped of their electrons and exist as ionized gas. Plasma is commonly found in stars, lightning, and certain experimental setups, rather than in blood, livers, or rivers.

Are lightning bugs all over the world?

Lightning bugs, or fireflys, are found on every continent.

Why is she a god?

she found Zueses lightning bolt