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Q: What is a wise saying maximum or proverb?
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Is a wise saying maxim or proverb?


What is porverb?

A proverb is a wise saying.

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A wise old saying is a proverb

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What is a brief wise saying called?

A brief wise saying is called a proverb. It is a short, well-known expression that imparts wisdom or advice in a memorable way.

What is a Biblical proverb?

A Biblical proverb is a proverb (wise saying) that appears in the Bible.One such would be: Love thy neighbor as thyself(Leviticus 19:18).

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What is a saying or proverb?

All proverbs are simple. A proverb is a short saying that depicts a lesson for living a practical and godly life. Examples of proverbs are "turn the other cheek," and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

What a proverb?

A short verse or statement of truth or moral lesson. Solomon wrote the book of Proverbs. Solomon symbolically represents wisdom. A short popular saying, usually of unknown and ancient origin, that expresses effectively some commonplace truth or useful thought. A proverb is a well known saying that conveys some kind of moral or lesson. A proverb means a short saying to the world. an ancient saying Answer2: What is a proverb? One dictionary defines a proverb as "a short sentence that people often quote, which gives advice or tells something about life." The Yoruba of Nigeria define a proverb more colorfully, calling it "a horse which can carry one swiftly to the discovery of ideas." The importance of proverbs, or proverbial sayings, is captured in this proverb well-known to the Akan people of Ghana: "A wise person is spoken to in proverbs, not in prose." The point is that a wise person does not always need a lecture in order to be convinced of the right thing to do. A fitting proverb stimulates thinking, imparts understanding and can motivate one to do what is right.

Everyone is wise until he speaks?

This is an Irish proverb.

What are the information of indigenous group or region where the proverb is from?

Indigenous proverb was a saying of the other people.....