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convicted, or conviction - a conviction is the verdict that results when a court of law finds a defendant guilty of a crime.

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Q: What is a word starting with c for reaching a verdict of guilty?
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Related questions

What is the word for guilty or not guilty?

The verdict.

What is another word for guilty or not guilty that starts with a V?

The word you're looking for is "verdict". A verdict is the formal decision made by a jury or judge on the guilt or innocence of a defendant in a trial.

What is a 9 letter word commencing with c meaning reached a verdict of guilty?


What is a sentence with the word incarcerated?

After the pronouncement of the guilty verdict by the jury foreman, the felon was incarcerated in prison.

What is the verdict for civil case?

The verdict is 'Guilty.' The finder of fact (usually a jury) has to feel that the evidence proves guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

What is the name for Reached a verdict of guilty?

Not sure what the questioner is asking. "The "PRONOUNCEMENT OF THE VERDICT?" The word describing the jury's discussion of the trial is known as DELIBERATION. If neither of those is what you are looking for, re-phrase and re-submit the question please. ADDED (by Ginger2 87) : the name for reached a verdict of guilty is convicted e.g. he was convicted of armed robbery therefore he was found guilty of armed robbery

Can you give a sentemce using the word stolid?

Ever a stolid man, Ronald sat expressionless and silent as the jury foreman read the guilty verdict at the conclusion of his trial.

What does the word verdict?

Law. The finding of a jury in a trial.An expressed conclusion; a judgment or opinion: the verdict of history.Read more: verdict

What word means a decision at an end of a trial?

I assume you mean the verdict (as opposed to the sentence).

Does the word verdict have a prefix?

Yes, verdict does have a prefix. Its prefix is ver- which means true.

What is another word for verdict?


What is the latin word for verdict?
