

What is a word with 2 Cs?

Updated: 3/25/2024
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Q: What is a word with 2 Cs?
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What word has 2 C's in it?

Examples of words with 2 Cs are:acaciaacademicaccentacceptaccessaccommodationaccusebroccolibucoliccactuscharacterchinchillachocolatecocoacocoonchurchcircuscrackercycledemocraticeccentricelectricfettuccineflorescencegalacticgnocchihectichiccup (hiccough)hopscotchicicleiconicimpeccableinaccurateknickknacklicencelicoricematchstickMeccamechanicmicrochipmicroscopicmoccasinMorocconarcoticnecklaceoccasionoccultoccupationoccurPacificpeacockpiccolopracticalpsychicraccoonreceptaclericochetsaccharinsoccerstuccosuccesstobaccovaccinateyuccazucchini

How do you get -2?

example: -6 + 3 1. imagine in your head or write ------ and +++ 2. cross out one until u get the answer cs = cross out - - - - - - + + + cs cs cs cs cs cs so there are only 3 negatives left, so the answer is -3

What is the abbreviation for the word case?

The abbreviation of the word case is CS.

What is the word conform in sign language?

Hi: Point to the head, then make 2 Cs with the hands pressing in a downward motion.

What is the chemical formula for CS gas?

CS gas is [(2-chlorophenyl)methylidene]propanedinitrile.

4 letter word ending in cs?


What is CS multiplied by XX in roman numerals?

The Romans did have a symbol to represent half and it looked like an S and the Latin word for it is semis meaning a half.Therefore: CS (100 and a 1/2) multiplied by XX (20) = MMX (2010)

How many consonants are in constitution?

There are 1 Cs, 1 S, 2 Ns, and 3 Ts for a total of 7 consonants in the word, 'Constitution'.

Is there 2 Cs in occasional?

yes they're is

Four components of capital structure?

the components of capital structure(CS) includes: 1. CS with equity sahres only. 2. CS with equity and preference shares. 3. CS with equity and debentures. 4. CS with equity shares, preference shares and debentures.

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How is the word of a song called?

it starts whith a l and finishes on cs