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A belief that the meaning and/or worldview of the Western world must be "shored up" with new stories

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6mo ago

A work of postmodernism is more likely to incorporate irony, pastiche, and metafiction than a work of modernism. Postmodernism often blurs the boundaries between high and low culture and challenges traditional narrative structures.

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Q: What is a work of postmodernism more likely to have than a work of modernism?
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Modernism was more of a than it was a movement toward a single literary aesthetic.?

puchoga serote estudias ajjajajajajaa or afterbeing traslated into english and revised the answer is reaction against the past

Modernism was more of a than it was a movement toward a single literary aesthetic?

puchoga serote estudias ajjajajajajaa or afterbeing traslated into english and revised the answer is reaction against the past