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It is called IR abbreviation for it.... u...

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Kayla Stevens

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Q: What is abbreviation for a place for cell reactions and lipid production?
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What cell abbreviation for a place for cell reactions and lipid productions?


In what part of a chloroplast does glue close production occur?

The production of glucose takes place during the light independent reactions (Calvin cycle) in the Stroma.

What is the standard abbreviation of place?

The abbreviation for "Place" is Pl.

A place where dark reactions occur?

The dark reaction of photosynthesis occurs in the stroma of the chloroplasts.. This is energy production without the aid of sunlight

Place where dark reactions occur?

The dark reactions take place in the Stroma of the chloroplast.

In a cell most of the chemical reactions take place in the?

Mitochondrion is the cell organell that is directly a part of production. This is a cell of energy.

Is production of light chemical or physical property?

The production of light can be a physical or chemical property. Physical properties would include phenomena like luminescence or fluorescence, where certain materials are capable of emitting light without undergoing chemical reactions. Chemical properties would include processes like combustion or bioluminescence, where the production of light is a result of chemical reactions taking place.

Where does the cell reactions take place?

Cell reactions take place in the cytoplasm and in the organelles.

What is the abbreviation for deceleration?

The abbreviation for deceleration is decel. Another common abbreviation for deceleration is dec. There is not a standard abbreviation in place for deceleration.

Do chemical reactions take place in the membrane?

Chemical reactions can take place on both sides of the cell membrane, with different molecules interacting and reacting with each other. The membrane itself is primarily a barrier that separates the inside of the cell from the outside environment, but some specialized proteins embedded in the membrane can facilitate specific chemical reactions.

Abbreviation for place?


Where do all of the bodys chemical reactions take place?

Most of the body's chemical reactions take place within cells, specifically within organelles such as the mitochondria, where cellular respiration occurs, and the cytoplasm, where various metabolic processes take place. Enzymes play a crucial role in catalyzing these chemical reactions and maintaining the body's overall homeostasis.