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Q: What is acrostics for skeletal bone structure of the arm?
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Is humerus a part of the skeletal system?

Yes, it's the upper arm bone.

Which would be homologous structure to a human arm bone?

A bird's wing bone

What are the main parts to the skeletal system?

upper leg bone lower leg bone wrist bone thigh bone collar bone rib cage back bone skull tarsals eye socket shoulder bone knee cup jaw bone lower arm bone upper arm bone hyoid elbow bone ulnq scapula sternum metarcarpals vertebrae ciavacle femur tibia fibula phalanges hip bone phalngesradius

In the skeletal system what does not include the arm and leg bones?

The humerus is the bone in the upper arm. The radius and the ulna are the bones in the forearm. The femur is the bone in the thigh. The tibia and the fibula are the bones in the lower leg.

What does the clavicle do in the skeletal system?

It is your Collar bone. I dont know the function of it.

What would be an a homologous structure to a human arm bone?

Arm bones of all mammals . APEX=A bird's wing bone

Is biceps and triceps are exampes of skeletal muscles?

Yes they are. The Bicep muscle is attached to the humerus bone (upper arm) at the front. It's the muscle that contracts when you want to bend your arm at the elbow. The tricep muscle is attached to the same bone - but runs down the back. It straightens your arm when it contracts.

What is the function of scapula in the skeletal system?

It is the shoulder blade. It connects the arm bone to the collar bone. It connects to many shoulder muscles to move your arms and shoulders.

What has five digits and nearly the same bone structure as a human arm and hand?

The human leg and foot.

How do you get the strength back in the arm after breaking your humorous bone?

try to use more and more each day to strengthen mucles and bone structure. do not over use as the newly repairing bone will be weak. but try to life everyday objects and soon after your arm will be back to normal and the bone will be fixed

What is the structure of your lower legs and arms?

Both your lower legs and lower arms are made of two bones each. The radius is the larger bone of the arm, analagous to the larger tibia of the leg. The ulna is the smaller bone of the arm, while the fibula is the smaller bone of the leg.

Do animals have the same sort of skeleton?

Not all animals have the same skeletal structure. Whales have bones in their "flippers" that resemble the same bones that make up the human "arm". This is called a homologous structure.