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Q: What is adjective of terror?
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What is the adjective for the word terror?

The adjective for the word terror is terrified.

How do you spell tarifying?

The correct spelling of the adjective is terrifying(instilling terror or fear).

What is the abstract noun for bad?

The abstract noun form of the adjective terrible is terribleness.A related abstract noun form is terror.

How do you spell terifiing?

The correct spelling of the adjective is terrifying(causing terror or fear).

What is terror as an adjective?

The noun terror is related to the verb terrify.The adjective best used is the present participle of the verb, which is terrifying.Two derivative adjectives originally meant "causing terror or fright":- terrible, which now means very bad, awful, or poorly done- terrific, which now can also mean excellent or splendid, as well as awfulThe adjective terrorful has never been regularly used.

What is the part of speech for frightening?

"Frightening" is an adjective. It is used to describe something that causes fear or terror.

What is the adverb for terrified?

The verb to terrify has participle adjective forms terrifying and terrified. The adverb form of the first is terrifyingly(in a manner that causes terror).* Originally, the adjective terrific applied to the noun terror. As such it had the adverb form terrifically, which now is used to mean extremely or intensely.

What is the adjective for terror?

Most likely it was once terrific, but over time that adjective came to have a positive connotation, except in rare cases such as a terrific explosion, storm, earthquake, etc.

Is scare a noun?

No. It's a verb or an adjective, not a noun.

What is abstract noun of terrible?

The abstract noun form of the adjective terrible is terribleness.A related abstract noun form is terror.

What adjective can be made from the word terror?

One adjective which can be made from the word terroris:terrifying - something which causes extreme fear, is very frightening, and so on,Another is:terrified - to be extremely afraid, very frightened, filled with fear, and so on.Two-word terror terms are:terror-struckterror-strickenwhich have the same meaning as terrified.

Is terror an adjective?

Terrorism is a noun. It is defined as the use of violence. Whenever you have a classification question like this one, go to type 'define ______(the word)' and then search. Google displays what part of speech the word is and as well as the definition of the word. Some words can exist as noun, verb, or adjectives.