

What is alectorophobia?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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15y ago

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scared of alarms

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15y ago
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16y ago

An abnormal fear of chickens which may be a result of the fear of feathers, of winged creatures, or of flying animals or birds and may include fears of being pecked, swooped upon, and because they roost above eye level or that they eat food from the ground. It usually does not include cooked chickens.

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15y ago

Alektorophobia is a fear of chickens, either roosters or hens. Usually confined to live birds this phobia can manifest into a fear of both eggs and cooked chicken.

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15y ago

It is the fear of chickens

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15y ago

Fear of Chickens

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15y ago

A fear of chickens

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15y ago

Fear of chickens. Fear of chickens.

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15y ago

fear of chickens xox

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4y ago

Fear of rain

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