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Q: What is all the dots on a desplay screen called?
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by buying it with real money online

What are all the prehistoric Pokemon in diamond?

you have to go under ground right after you get the exploration kit and touch the screen and see if you see dots on the walls and go to that spot and click a and you go to a screen with dirt it will tell you how many items are in the wall and you have to touch the the screen and you might get a fossil or other items

What are Dip and Dots?

Dip and dots are these ice creamthat's looks like little dots and their is all different flavors

Why is a line graph called a line graph?

a line graph is called a line graph because first of all it uses lines and second of all its on a graph they use those lines to connect the dots so if you dont what im talking about with dots thats a whole diffrent question so look it up yourself

How many blue dots does Gary have on his shell?

Gary haves 5 dots on both sides so 10 dots in all

How do you solve separate 7 dots with 3 lines?

if it like this, ... . ... then all you do is make a z or s shape then you will hit all the dots

N6 has 4 dots over it N8 has 5 dots and n10 has 6 dots What formula can make where each n can go into the dots above them the 1 formula has to work for all of the n's?

it has adkdgbsgbsd'g SD

Why were not all the moths with dots recaptured?


What does 3 black dots mean?

I don't know but all i feel like doing is connecting those dots!! (:

How do they multiply?

By taking the number and setting it to the amount of the other number. Like if you have 3 eggs with 4 dots on them, then all together you have 12 dots. But if you wish to find how many eggs have dots and there are actually 5 eggs, because 2 did not have dots, then you'll know there are 3 eggs with dots on them.

Do all Asian people have blue dots on their backs?


Do wolves like polka dots?

No. all true wolves hate polka dots- especially blue polka dots. if they were to be wearing anything polka dotted, they would instantly take it off