

What is allergic asthma?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What is allergic asthma?
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Does asthma effect your allergy to dogs?

Yes, it could. An allergic response can trigger an exacerbation of asthma. Common types of asthma attacks are actually caused by allergic reactions.

Is it possible for a person with asthma and is allergic to cats to live with cats?

Its really not reccommended to live with cats if you're allergic to them, and have asthma. Although, it just really depends how allergic you are to them.

Is there such a thing as allergy induced asthma?

This is called allergic asthma or allergy-induced asthma. Certain substances, such as pollen, dust mites and pet dander, are common triggers. It is asthma that comes on as a result of an allergic attack.

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Can you die from asthma by a cat?

If you get affected that way from a cat you are allergic to the cat. It has nothing to do with the asthma.

Is paul McCartney allergic to dust?

Yes and he has asthma.

Is asthma a type of allergic reaction?

Asthma can be, like if you eat nuts when you're allergic you may have asthma. Asthma can also be caused be exertion, or playing sports, weather/climate, like humidity, or cold weather, and sometimes even sickness, like a cold or even fevers.

Is a puggle good for a person with asthma?

If they are allergic to dogs, no but if they can live with dogs that can shed, it is fine. I do not recommend it to children with asthma since puggles shed and if you don't know if they are allergic to them then they might have an asthma atack.

Which condition is a chronic allergic disorder characterized by episodes of severe breathing difficulty coughing and wheezing?


What is the best dog for adults with asthma?

Asthma is often caused by allergic reactions. If you were to get a "hypo-allergenic" dog, or one that has hair, not fur, it will lessen allergic reactions, as most who are allergic to dogs, are actually allergic to their dander. I do know that Yorkshire Terriers are one such breed, for I have one due to my allergies.

What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic asthma?

instric asthma is when you dont need an inhaler exinstric asthma is when you do need an inhaler Traditionally, doctors have divided asthma into two general categories, Extrinsic (allergic) asthma and Intrinsic (non-allergic) asthma, depending upon the types of stimuli that trigger attacks. Extrinsic asthma is caused by an immune system response to inhaled allergens such as pollen, animal dander or dust mite particles. An allergen (or an antigen) is a foreign particle that enters the body. The immune system over-reacts to these often harmless items, forming antibodies, which are normally used to attack viruses or bacteria. Intrinsic asthma is not allergy-related and is caused by anything except an allergy. It may be caused by inhalation of chemicals such as cigarette smoke or cleaning agents, taking aspirin, a chest infection, stress, laughter, exercise, cold air, food preservatives or a myriad of other factors. The terms intrinsic and extrinsic asthma have now been replaced by terms related to the asthma trigger, since the inflammatory response of the airways is the same independent of the cause of the asthma. What was known as extrinsic asthma is now called allergic asthma, while asthma triggered by non-allergic factors, formerly called intrinsic asthma, is separated into such categories as exercise-induced asthma and occupational (chemical- induced) asthma. Inhalers may be prescribed for both allergic asthma (extrinsic) and non-allergic asthma (intrinsic).