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Q: What is always present when there is electricity?
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The fact that electricity and magnetism are always present together is essential for life'' how much do you agree with this statement?

In my 8th grade science book it says that electric and magnetic fields always interact with eachother because of electricity, there's magnetism so yeah I really agree with that unless there's some kind of quantum question then I have no idea sorry :>

What kind of electricity is caused by a continuous flow of electricity?

Current electricity is the kind of electricity that is caused by a continuous flow of electricity. In order for this to happen there must be a voltage present across a conductor, for example in overhead power lines.

Why chemical always have to be dissolved in water in order to conduct electricity?

Chemicals do not always have to be dissolved in water to conduct electricity. Aluminum is 'purified' by electrolysis in the molted form. In the 1700's other metals were 'purified' by electrolysis as well with no water involved. Actually if water had been present it would not have allowed the chemical breakdown to occur to give a sample of ther free metal. Water solutions will conduct electricity of low voltage and amperage. The electrolysis mentioned above requires higher voltage and amperage ... much higher.

What are the kinds of atom which are always present protein molecule?

hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur are the kinds of atoms always present in protein molecules

Is electricity natural or unnatral?

Electricity has always existed, and it's completely natural. Recently (about 250 years ago), we began to figure out how electricity behaves, and how to work with it for purposes that are useful and helpful to us.

Related questions

What is always present?

always present means that you are always there.

What is the synonym for current?


Is tidal electricity expesnive?

At present, it is not practical.

Electricity always wants to travel to?

electricity always wants to travel through to complete the circut

How has transportation evolved from past to present?

past: horses and carraiges present: engines and electricity.

How do you tell if static electricity is in you?

Actually your heart is always using electricity.

How are electric current and static electricity diffrent?

Where electric current is present, electrons are flowing from one place to another. Where static electricity is present, electrons are just sitting there in a pile.

What does ever present mean?

always there present as in I need to be present for a meeting which means i am going to show up it means that they are always there

What does ever-present mean?

always there present as in I need to be present for a meeting which means i am going to show up it means that they are always there

The fact that electricity and magnetism are always present together is essential for life'' how much do you agree with this statement?

In my 8th grade science book it says that electric and magnetic fields always interact with eachother because of electricity, there's magnetism so yeah I really agree with that unless there's some kind of quantum question then I have no idea sorry :>

When is nuclear energy going to be used as an everyday energy?

You clearly don't understand how electricity is distributed. At present in the US nuclear power electricity is about 20 percent of the total used. This means that just about everybody uses some nuclear every day as part of their use of electricity. Nuclear power is always going to be used to produce electricity, you won't ever have one in your basement.

How much does electricity way?

Electricity has no weight. It's made of electrons that were always there anyway.