

What is an Irish Texans fact when they came to Texas?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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They were Irish

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Q: What is an Irish Texans fact when they came to Texas?
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What is a Texas tantrum?

A Texas tantrum is a large tantrum...large display of anger by a small child. An even larger tantrum is an Alaskan tantrum. It' s called Alaskan because as everyone knows....Alaska is so much larger than Texas. Also Texans often have Texas tantrums when Alaskans remind them of that fact.

What makes Texans mad?

Gay people, non-christians (they call them "non believers" or "unbelievers"), non-conservative people, Yankees (not the team), the fact that Texas isn't its own country, etc.

Is the Alamo a Texas battle site?

No. It is the Battle site of the War of or for Texas Independence. It has become a major US Travel destination and is an honored shrine for all Texans and most Americans. It has a history that is told from an American and Anglo perspective more dcumented as told in Hollywood than historical style or fact.

As they fought the Alamo Texans were unaware of what fact?

Texans were unaware of the number of Mexican soldiers that were headed to battle. They expected 150 men yet 5000 soldiers game.

How do you best describe Texas political culture?

Texans tend to be political Conservative and favor economic liberalism. Their beliefs follow a deep root in not trusting big government and places focus on self-reliance. Texas has a history of being independent and outgoing than most other US states, seen by the fact that Texans was an independent state, and eventually joined the Union out of conflict with Mexico. This moral has been passed down generation to generation that Texans take care of themselfs. This is reflected in modern day elections for Republican candidates who do not support more socialist oriented programs.

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Texans are normal people just like anybody else in the United States. They like bowling, reading, swimming, working (I guess), and doing regular things. Not every Texan has an accent and rides a horse. In fact very few do.

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He was an American mix like most of us: specifically Spanish, Irish, and Swedish. The name "Garcia" came from Spanish (Galican) heritage on his father's side. It's a common misconception that he was part Mexican, because of his last name and the fact that he was born in Texas and lived in California, which are two states with high Mexican populations.

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yes they did,in fact 12 of them

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What is a fact about Texas?


What are some really facts about Texas?

One fact I can think of is that they have an average of 125 tornadoes a year. It is the biggest state next to California. Ummmm I think mustang horses origionated there. And the Alamo was faught there. Mexico used to own Texas. Then came a war and Texas won its independance from Mexico.