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Q: What is an abiotic factor that can prevent an organism from becoming preserved after is been buried?
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What would prevent an organism from becoming part of the fossil record when it dies?

It is fully decomposed by bacteria and fungi.

What is it called when it is preserved in hot and dry conditions?

Preservation in hot and dry conditions is known as desiccation. This process involves removing moisture from an object or organism, which helps prevent decay and preserves it.

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Officials will decide if your criminal background may or may not prevent you from becoming a citizen.

How does a preservative prevent mold?

Mold is a live organism, or animal, a fungus to be specific. Depending on the preservative, it most likely contains toxins fatal to certain species of organisms and not humans, or the animal the food is being preserved for. This is why you always hear preservatives are bad for you.

How do seed banks preserve biodiversity?

gene banks preserve genes of different organisms. If a particular type of organism becomes extinct its genes are preserved in these banks.There are many forms of gene Banks eg:seed bank.If a type of seed becomes endangered or extinct due to the use of hybrid varieties or misuse they would be preserved in these type of gene banks .thus we can prevent their extinction

Which fossil can preserve a whole animal?

The fossil that can preserve a whole animal is called a complete or articulated fossil. It occurs when the entire organism is preserved with all its anatomical parts intact, often due to quick burial in sediments that prevent decomposition or disintegration. Examples of complete fossils include the exceptional preservation of insects trapped in amber or well-preserved dinosaur fossils.

How do you prevent mangroves from becoming extinct?

People can prevent mangroves from becoming extinct by keeping the habitat in place. This means that it should not be used for common resources that can be found elsewhere.

What are you doing to prevent tiger salamanders from becoming extinct?

People are trying to prevent tiger salamanders from becoming extinct because you are stupid and p.s I HATE JUSTIN BEIBER

Which will NOT prevent a guest from becoming intoxicated?

There are any number of things that will not prevent a guest from becoming intoxicated. One thing is putting a bar with alcoholic beverages in a hotel room. Another is giving them coupons to use in a bar in a hotel. Serving alcohol in a home will also not prevent a guest from becoming intoxicated.

What does cell division prevent the cell from becoming?

Cell division prevents the cell from becoming too large.

How can scientists help to prevent a natural process from becoming an enviromental hazard?

Through continued studies on the specific natural process, scientist have figured out how to prevent it from becoming an environmental hazard.

How do you prevent someone from becoming a bully?

You should treat them with respect