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Karl Phillips came over for good soup. What's your principal objection to "King", anyway?
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Q: What is an acronym for biological classifications without using king at the start?
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Related questions

Can you start a sentence with an acronym?

Yes, you can start a sentence with an acronym, but it would be better if you spelled out the entire acronym so it isn't actually an acronym. Example: N.A.S.A. decided to retire the space shuttle after many years of service. Example Two: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has decided to retire the space shuttle after many years of service. It sounds better if you spell out the entire acronym, shown in example two, rather than start it out with an acronym, shown in example one.

How do you find the meaning of an acronym?

To find the meaning of an acronym, it might help to start with the site Acronym Finder. A link to the home page can be found below, and you can enter the acronym at the top of that page to see what comes up.

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cells, cell membrane, comet, classifications, cardiovascular, stuff like that

Why do some people leave the period off the last letter of a three letter acronym?

Because they are lazy, or stupid, or both. You do not have to use periods when writing out an acronym, most companies and organizations do not because the type looks cleaner without them. Example: FBI vs F.B.I. But once you START using them, you must finish them. F.B.I would not be grammatically correct, but FBI or F.B.I. are both acceptable.

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If you mean Adjustable rate loans, please rephrase your question and we can help you. I'm assuming it is an acronym.

When was Start Without You created?

Start Without You was created on 2010-08-31.

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The duration of Start the Revolution Without Me is 1.5 hours.

What would it take to start a nuclear war?

A nuclear or biological assault could initialize a nuclear war.

What would happen if enzymes were not presented in the human body and other living things?

Enzymes speed up chemical/biological processes by lowering the amount of energy needed to start these reactions. Without enzymes these processes wouldn't happen and we'd die.

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Apple, anchovy, aerodynamic, aerial, antenne, aardvark, amphibian, also, again, acrobat, acronym

When was Start the Revolution Without Me created?

Start the Revolution Without Me was created on 1970-02-04.