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Q: What is an adaptation that helps the dandelions population growth?
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Which abiotic factor is most important for the growth of dandelions?

The abiotic factor most important for the growth of dandelions is the level of light intensity. I know this for a fact because I have recently used a quadrat to estimate the abundance of dandelions along a metre transect in Biology, and the abundance of dandelions were greater in the areas with most light. I hope this helps :)

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most of the population growth is due to growth in what countries?

Hope this helps poor apex just did

Most of the population growth is due to growth in counties?

Hope this helps poor apex just did

It's something that helps determine the growth of a population in an ecosystem?

Population growth rate is a measure that helps determine how quickly a population increases within an ecosystem. It is influenced by factors like birth rate, death rate, immigration, and emigration. Understanding the population growth rate is crucial for studying ecosystem dynamics and implementing conservation strategies.

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it helps rapid population growth decrease

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The adaptation for the sycamore seed is its "helicopter-like" wing structure that helps it disperse through the air more effectively. This adaptation allows the seed to be carried away from the parent tree, increasing its chances of finding a suitable environment for germination and growth.

What is an adaptation in science?

An adaptation is a structure or behavior that helps a living thing live.

A trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce is an?

Adaptation When you move from one place to another you have to ADAPT to the new environment.

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What are the phases of logistic growth curve?

There are three phases in a logistic growth curve:1 - Lag phase: the initial stage on which population growth rates are slow as a result of a small population size (occurs when the population is small and is increasing slowly)2- Log phase: The stage in which population growth rates are very rapid (occurs when the population undergoes very rapid growth)3- Stationary phase: The phase in which population growth rates decrease as the population size reaches the carrying capacity and stabilizes (occurs at or close to the carrying capacity of the environment)HOPE THIS HELPS :D