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Q: What is an adjective that expresses the highest or lowest degree of comparison among three or more nouns?
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An adjective that expresses the highest or lowest degree of comparison among three or more nouns is in the degree?

You compare adjectives and adverbs, not nouns.

What expresses highest or lowest degree of comparison?

A superlative.

What is the difference between a comparative and superlative adjective?

A comparative adjective is one that compares two things: "Kayla was FASTER than Sally."A superlative adjective describes the most, greatest, or best: "Kayla was the FASTEST runner I have ever seen."

What is superlative degree?

denoting the form of the adjective or adverb that expresses the highest degree of quality. For example, 'smallest and best' would be the superlative form of 'small and good'

Is superlative a comparison?

It is the highest degree of comparison

What is the superlative degree of population?

denoting the form of the adjective or adverb that expresses the highest degree of quality. For example, 'smallest and best' would be the superlative form of 'small and good'

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What are the comparative and superlative?

Adjectives and adverbs have comparative and superlative degrees. The comparative degree expresses a higher degree of a quality, but not the highest possible (e.g., braver; more fiercely). The superlative degree expresses the highest or a very high degree of a quality (e.g., bravest, most fiercely).

What is the degree of comparison - that was the saddest movie I have ever seen saddest is the adjective?

Saddest is the superlative degree.

What is a degree of comparison adjective?

Some adjectives form Irregular form.EXamplE:positive:wellive: bestcomparative:betterSuperlat

What is the difference of comparative form and superlative form?

The comparative form expresses a higher degree of a quality, but not the highest possible (e.g., braver; more fiercely). The superlative form expresses the highest or a very high degree of a quality (e.g., bravest, most fiercely).