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Imago is what an adult insect is called. Imago is the very last stage of insect metamorphosis.

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Q: What is an adult insect called after metamorphosis?
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What is the process in which a larva will change into an adult insect called?

I think 'life cycle' refers to an insect going from egg to adult, but metamorphosis refers to when an insect changes form. For example from a caterpillar to a butterfly.

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What is the fully developed adult stage of an insect following metamorphosis?

This stage is known as imago. It is the final stage in the process of metamorphosis, and is when the insect gains adult maturity.

What is the term for an adult insect?

Imago, the last stage of metamorphosis.

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The young insect resembles the adult insect.

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To protect the larva during its metamorphosis into an adult insect.

Why silkworms spin cocoons?

To protect the larva during its metamorphosis into an adult insect.

What is an insect larva called?

In the case of insects with complete metamorphosis (larva looks very different from the adult (caterpillar/butterfly) and the insect pupates) it's simply called a larva. In the case of incomplete metamorphosis (larva is a small wingless version of the adult, doesn't pupate but molts into final form) it's called a nymph, unless the larval stage is aquatic, like in dragon/damsel/mayflies and others, then it's called a naiad. Aquatic larvae of insects with complete metamorphosis such as mosquitos are still called larvae.

What is a anymph?

A nymph is a form of an insect in incomplete metamorphosis. It is when an insect like a grasshopper is in the stage of growing its wings. It is inbetween adult and egg.

What is anymph?

A nymph is a form of an insect in incomplete metamorphosis. It is when an insect like a grasshopper is in the stage of growing its wings. It is inbetween adult and egg.

What insect forms a chrysalis on the third stage of complete metamorphosis?

egg, nymph, and adult science is fun...

The type of metamorphosis in which the young resemble an adult is called?

imcomplete metamorphosis :) -msd