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Tides happen with predictable regularity.

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Q: What is an advantage of a tidal generator over a wind generator?
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What is the charge of te tidal generator wind?

The charge of the tidal generator wind is positive charge, bcz the charge just produced and it should be positive

Who invented the wind generator and how does it work?

A wind generator creates electrical power by harnessing the energy created by wind. The wind generator was invented by Charles F. Bush in the year 1888.

Can you get a wind generator for your house?

There are some websites that allow for you to buy a small home wind generator. They can be fairly expensive, however, often times being priced at over one thousand dollars.

What is one advantage of geothermal energy over wind energy?

One advantage of geothermal energy over wind energy is:it can produce larger amounts of electricity.Hope I could help!

In what order does the wind go through to get to the generator?

The wind turns the rotor blades which are connected by a shaft to the generator. The wind does not 'get to' the generator, which is enclosed in a cover to protect it from the weather.

Is a windmill a generator?

in a way yes, in a way no. if you are talking about a windmill GENERATOR, then yes it is a generator. however, it doesn't have to be a huge white thing in the fields. as long as it has a generator connected to it, it is considered as a generator. hope i have helped

A wind turbine generator is similar to a on a bicycle.?

a wind turbine generator is similar to a on a bicycle?

In what ways is tidal energy more advantageous than wind energy?

It's difficult to say. They are both examples of clean renewable energy and make no contribution to global warming and climate change. Tidal energy is not as noticeable as wind turbines, but tidal energy has fewer suitable locations than wind energy. Tidal energy also causes problems to fish stocks and shipping, so it is difficult to come down in favour of one over the other.

How are generation of electricity by hydroelectric tidal and wind sources are similar to each other?

Hydroelectric, tidal and wind are all renewable sources of electrical enengy.

How much would it cost to try a home wind power generator?

A home wind power generator would likely cost you anywhere from five hundred to over two thousand dollars. There are kits available online to help you.

What does a wind turbine do?

A wind turbines uses the wind to power an electricity generator.

What does wind turbines do?

A wind turbines uses the wind to power an electricity generator.