

What is an advantage of stolons?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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Q: What is an advantage of stolons?
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Stems that grow horizontally are called?

Stems which grow horizontally are called stolons. Stems which grow horizontally are called stolons.

What are examples of runners of stolons?

a strawberry

What are some examples of runners or stolons?

Stolons are horizontal connections between or among organisms. They mostly are part of the skeleton; and in plants they are similar to stems, with the exception of running horizontally rather than vertically.Examples of stolons include silverweed and Hawkweeds.

What does a potato do for the potato plant?

Potatoes (the part we eat), are modified underground stems called stolons. The stolons have cells that store starch in a type of plastid called amyloplasts.

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What are hyphae that grow over food?

Hyphae called stolons grow in a network over the surface of the food. The stolons give rise to another type of hyphae that grow upward from the surface of the food, that are reproductive hyphae, called sporangiophores.

What is the difference between Stolon and Rhizoid?

rhizoids are below-ground, stolons are above-ground

Stems that are thin and grow along the ground?

Stems that grow along the ground are called runners.

Does mint plant has tap root?

No. They have underground branches called stolons from which the plants and roots grow.

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The modified stems which are found in underground is called as stem tubers

Why do weeds spread more quickly than other plants?

Claiming near-surface root systems, perfecting many reproductive methods, preference for disturbed sites, and tolerance of environmental stress are reasons why weeds spread quicker than edible and ornamental plants. Weeds have the advantage in fast-growing roots, multiple reproductions (rhizomes, seeds, stolons), and survival in and under extreme, severe ambient conditions (cold, drought, flood, heat).